Monday, February 11, 2008

Where am I?? Where are you??

This morning started out at 4 above zero.. just the way we like our February mornings!
And I dare not say it, but there is s-n-o-w in the forecast. YES!!!
Well, let me clarify, in keeping with this year, there is also rain and freezing rain in the forecast.. but if I ignore those maybe they won't happen... come on snow!

This week we start our midweek class series with the popular Land Navigation course...Being the luddites that we are, we think there is a real elegance in being able to use a map and compass to navigate our way into, thru and out of the backcountry.
To know, with confidence, where you are, where you want to go, and how you're going to get there.. well, it's a very powerful feeling. Navigation is a 1,000 year old art that can never fully be replaced by GPS technology.
The day begins with compass / map theory and practical application and ends on a trail-less, roadless mountainside... but you will know exactly where you are and how you got there, and most importantly, how to get back! The cutoff for registration is Tuesday 12 Feb at noon!

Oh, and there are still seats in March's Wilderness First Aid weekend, so if you have not signed up the time is now! call the Trail House for more information 301.694.8448

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